
Want to have back your Facebook Chat Sidebar in just 6 easy steps?

Get rid of the new Facebook sidebar replacing it with one like the original!!!

Here's how to do it...

Supported Browsers:
  • Firefox 5, Google Chrome 13 & Opera 11.5 (Earlier versions may be compatible, these are the browsers used for testing) 
  • Not yet supported currently with Safari and Internet Explorer.
Actually im using Google Chrome right now and its working.

Follow this easy steps:
1. Open one of your favorite Internet browser Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera.

2. Go to www.facebook.com or www.fb.com.
3. Logon/Log-in with your Facebook account E-mail and Password.
4. Click this LINK.
5. Click CONTINUE and after downloading click INSTALL.
6. Refresh your Facebook page browser and Enjoy Chatting!!!.

Here are my print screen after installing Facebook Chat Sidebar.

And other new Features combined with this sidebar... Cool!

Enjoy chatting and having back your Facebook Chat Sidebar YouScopers... :-)



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